Today is Saturday June 6th, 2020. D-Day. As I sit here at my computer, I look down at my hands and arms. They are showing their age, and are covered with wrinkles and  spots that could be precancerous. I can cover them, but they’re still there. I can’t see my face, which is just as well. I saw my dermatologist yesterday and have freeze-burn blisters on my forehead, cheek, nose and upper lip. I did not choose my skin. Not its color. Nor that it burns, discolors and wrinkles easily. By the time I learned to take better care of it, much damage had already been done. I must be careful to prevent further damage.

We reflect on our history as a nation, on our Constitution and what it means when we say we’re all created equal and have the same rights. Do we really believe that? Do we put it into practice?  I’ve known people of many colors since I was a child. I’ve never considered myself racist and often say I’m color-blind. I’m beginning to realize that being color-blind may not be a good thing. It keeps me from seeing things through the eyes of my brothers and sisters of a different race.

I have friends whose children are in mixed marriages. They love the one their child chose. They cherish and treasure their beautiful grandchildren. Their hearts ache when they consider the hurt and mistreatment these little ones may face. They realize their loved ones may not achieve ‘the American dream’ afforded those whose skin is white.

Today, it’s often,“Us and/or Them”. We pray for unity, but the divide seems to be growing wider. I feel I’m being forced to choose sides. I heard long ago that there were bad cops, but I’ve never known one. And I’ve known many. They’ve always been there with kindness and courtesy when I needed them. And sometimes when I didn’t think I needed them. As when one turned into my driveway behind me to remind me the sign at the corner said, ‘Stop’ not ‘Hesitate’. I’ve never felt threatened, and knowing I could call 911 has made me feel safer. I don’t want to fear or mistrust law enforcement. I don’t want to make their job more difficult. Nor do I want law enforcement put in a position of having to make the lives of my fellow citizens more difficult. These are trying times.

Jesus, grieving, said: “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those sent to save it! How often have I desired to gather your children together….and you were not willing…”.  Matt. 24:37  The Lord said to Solomon: “If My people who are called by My name… seek My face and turn from their wicked ways…I will hear from heaven…” 2 Chronicles 7:14. Thanks be to God, the promise is still there. Are we listening?

Remembering D-Day and the price the Allies paid for freedom.

Tess Todd



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