Faith Lutheran Altar Guild will once again be ordering poinsettias to beautify the sanctuary during the Christmas season. Due to the pandemic, a few changes will need to take place this year. In the past, orders had been taken at the ministry center with our members noting who their plant is in memory of, in thanksgiving for, or given for the glory of God. A list of the donors was included in a bulletin. This process will change because a printed list of donors will not be possible this year. But most importantly, list or no list, the donors themselves can still experience the joy of being a part in beautifying the sanctuary.

As in past years, the poinsettias will be $12.00 each. This cost is not a part of your yearly financial support for Faith Lutheran. This cannot by paid online.  Checks should be made to “Faith Lutheran Altar Guild”, note purpose on memo line. Funds should be delivered to the church office or can be mailed to:

Faith Lutheran Church

Attn.  Altar Guild

4010 Williams Drive

Georgetown, TX 78628

The Altar Guild has ordered 50 plants available on a first come basis. Please make your purchase no later than December 6th. We will put out a notice if all plants are sold prior to Dec. 6th. Blessings and thank you for making our sanctuary feel welcoming as we celebrate this joyous season!








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