Sunday Morning Adult Bible Classes 

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Sunday Morning Adult Bible Classes
at Faith:



“Know Christ”

Leader: Austin Angerman, DCE

In this combined youth and adult Bible class, we will examine what it means to “Know Christ” and how we can do that through various spiritual disciplines. The Bible shows us many models of how this can look, and we’re going to be exploring them together as we learn how to actively seek a Savior who is actively seeking us. This class is open to students in middle and high school as well as adults of all ages! 



Leader: Rev. Dr. Jim Marriott

The Revelation of John the Apostle is one of the most vivid, exciting, and complex books of the Bible!  Especially in the last few centuries, many deviant interpretations of Revelation have emerged, causing quite a bit of confusion and even division among Christians.  During July and August, we’ll explore the major themes and key chapters of Revelation, drawing upon Christ’s promises and hope that are central to the book.


“Review of the Christian Faith”
(New Member Class)

Leader: Pastor Walter Pohland, Senior Pastor

Description: Join us as we review the basics of the Christian faith and the tenets of Lutheran Christianity. Also, our Adult New Member Class is offered to anyone in high school or older once each quarter. Everyone interested in becoming a member of Faith Lutheran Church is encouraged to take this class. It is also open to members and guests. It is really a great refresher course!



Midweek Classes

“Really Bad Girls of the Bible: More Lessons from Less-Than-Perfect Women” by Liz Curtis Higgs

– Shelly Curren

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Men’s Bible Class
– Thursdays, 6:30 – 7:30 a.m. / Activity Center
– Pastors Pohland 

Contact the church office to sign up. 

See also “Compass Groups” for other Small Group Bible studies.