We love families at Faith
Our Sunday School encourages families to seek Christ first in all things,
equip parents to be the primary faith formers for their children, and together
help kids grow to Know Christ, Live Christ, and Make Christ Known.
Sunday School at Faith is a place…
…to partner with parents and caregivers in the Christian education of children!
…where children are accepted as important members in the body of Christ!
…to learn about God, the Bible, and God’s purpose for our lives!
…that’s safe and an environment that’s welcoming!
…to belong — in God’s great family!
…to make new friends!
Sunday School at Faith meets…
…on Sundays (between services), from 9:45-10:45 AM
…in the Children’s Ministry Wing
Sunday School at Faith has…
…a class for three to five year-olds (B-114)
…a class for six to eight year-olds (B-122)
…a class for nine to eleven year-olds (B-116) The “Kids Café”
…classes for middle and high school youth
If you are considering children’s Sunday School at Faith,
you may have a few questions. For example…
How Do I Enroll My Child?
If this is your first time at Faith, please go to the Welcome Center (in the lobby) and there will be someone there to guide you. We have a secure registration and check-in area with a tablet and printer.
What is the Drop Off/Pick Up Procedure for My Child?
We ask that parents of preschool and elementary age children use our secure check-in system each time you come. Place the printed nametag(s) on your child(children), deliver them to their classroom, and then use the printed receipt to pick your child back up at the end of Sunday School in their classroom.
Who Are Your Sunday School Teachers & Staff?
We have a loving, caring and devoted staff of volunteer teachers and assistants, all of whom love the Lord and love kids. All participate in ongoing training and have successfully completed full background checks through the “Protect My Ministry” program.
What Do the Sunday School Offerings Go Towards?
Every Sunday each child is given the opportunity to respond to the goodness of God in the form of our Sunday School offering. Through our offerings we support a special “Mission of the Month” locally, nationally, and globally. (Offering envelopes provided for each child.)
Why Is There a Sunday School Opening?
After children have checked-in to their class, all the classes meet in the Sunday School Opening room for a brief time to welcome new students, worship, sing, pray, introduce the Bible story of the day, take the offering, and recognize kids’ birthdays.
What Can My Child Expect During Their Time in Sunday School?
Here at Faith, we use the ENDURING FAITH (CPH) Sunday School Bible curriculum. Each lesson has four parts (“LAUNCH, LEARN, LIVE, LEAVE”) and features a Christ-centered Bible story that helps students grow in the understanding of God’s Word. The materials are designed to teach the Christian faith in age-appropriate ways with the goal of applying their faith in every-day life situations.
What Do Parents Do During Sunday School Time?
Most parents attend one of a variety of adult Bible classes offered during the Sunday School hour. Please check out our slate of Bible classes for the current twelve-week period. We do ask parents of Sunday School children remain on the church campus during Sunday School. Thank you!
Have Other Questions?
Please, do not hesitate to contact us! Thank you, and welcome to Faith!